Dear Sir or Madam,
we would like to inform you again about an upcoming maintenance on your server.
The work on the server is necessary because we have to make mandatory changes to our data center infrastructure. We perform this maintenance to ensure continued safe operation of your dedicated server.
We will perform the maintenance for the servers named Fuchsia and Calcite in the period from 21.05.2023 to 24.05.2023 in the time from 22:00 (UTC+2) to 6:30 (UTC+2)(CEST).
The maintenance of the servers named Pluto will be carried out on 25.05.2023 from 23:00 UTC+2 to 07:00 UTC+2.
The maintenance on the mentioned servers is divided as follows:
21.05.2023: ca001.calcit to ca320.calcit
22.05.2023: f002.fuchsia to f290.fuchsia
23.05.2023: f291.fuchsia to f607.fuchsia
24.05.2023: f608.fuchsia to f770.fuchsia
25.05.2023: pl001.pluto to pl168.pluto from 23:00 UTC+2 to 07:00 UTC+2 srv56077.dus2 k157.khaki srv57013.dus2 srv54002.dus2 srv57025.dus2 srv54009.dus2 srv57041.dus2 srv54022.dus2 srv54035.dus2 srv54043.dus2 i031.indigo srv54048.dus2
ds11104.dus7 i040.indigo srv54066.dus2
ds11117.dus7 i049.indigo ds11211.dus7
ds11120.dus7 i070.indigo ds11212.dus7
ds11122.dus7 i077.indigo
ds11130.dus7 i111.indigo
ds11133.dus7 k011.khaki srv51007.dus2
srv52047.dus2 k018.khaki srv51026.dus2
srv55069.dus2 k020.khaki srv51041.dus2
srv56005.dus2 k028.khaki srv52002.dus2
srv56009.dus2 k036.khaki srv52004.dus2
srv56010.dus2 k085.khaki srv52017.dus2
srv56011.dus2 k126.khaki
srv56028.dus2 k137.khaki
We would like to ask you to shut down your server before we start with the maintenance and leave it shut down until the end of the maintenance to avoid damage to your hardware and software. After the Daily Maintenance has been completed, all systems are automatically switched on.
Furthermore, we recommend that you create external backups for this purpose.
mardi, mai 16, 2023