When I try to setup radio WHM or cPanel, I am getting a message about a download server problem?

SSUE: When I try to setup radio WHM or cPanel, I am getting a message about a download server problem?
ISSUE: When I click on the WHMSonic link in the WHM under root I am getting a blank page or "404 not found"?
ISSUE: When I click on the WHMSonic link in the WHM or cPanel I am getting Ioncube error?

Fix command for the most problems and above issues: (Shoutcast Admin Pro Software)

cd /root/; wget http://www.whmsonic.com/fix/fixall2.sh; chmod +x fixall2.sh; ./fixall2.sh

ISSUE: When I click on the WHMSonic link in the WHM under root I am getting page refresh or page looping and register global error?

Please enable Internal cPanel PHP register global function, Open Tweak Settings in the WHM root and find the PHP section enable select register global box and select ioncube save the page and wait 3 - 5 minutes to complete.


ISSUE: I am getting a MySQL error when I click on the WHMSonic link in WHM?

Fix command for MySQL issues: (Shoutcast Admin Pro Software) This script will run /scripts/mysqlup and then WHMSonic fix, it may take 10-20 minutes to complete.

cd /root/; wget http://www.whmsonic.com/fix/fixmysqlr.sh; chmod +x fixmysqlr.sh; ./fixmysqlr.sh


ISSUE: I have installed WHMSonic, When I try to use WHMSonic I receive a license error or I receive a license error sometimes.?

This command will return your server IP to you. Make sure you have requested your license for the correct Server IP.

lynx -dump http://www.whmsonic.com/ip.php

License verification URL: http://www.whmsonic.com/verify.php

License errors happening when your server lost the internet connection from inside or resolv/dns problems, if you receive error after above command that means your server have resolv/dns problem and you need to contact your datacenter/server provider to fix this issue.

If you didn't receive error after above command and the command was showing your serverIP, please contact us by ticket.


ISSUE: When I setup a radio or a customer sets up radio, cPanel show its online but I cant make stream from DSP and Winamp doesn't connect

You probably have a firewall issue on your server. The ShoutSast radio system requires ports to be open.

If you are using CSF firewall please open the firewall configuration page and open port ranges 7000:9000 for TCP and UDP.

If you are using APF, open the firewall configuration file in ssh and open port ranges 7000_9000 for TCP, UDP, EGF, EGF_TCP, and EGF_UDP.

Restart your firewall ( type in ssh )
CSF: service csf restart
APF: service apf restart

If Winamp still cannot connect, check your firewall configurations again. Try stopping the firewall and try connecting with Winamp again. This will help you determine the cause.

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